Internal Quality Assurance Cell
To pursue excellence in teaching and research and remain accountable through self-assessment and continuous improvement to ensure professional acknowledgement of the institution with reliable high quality education, research activities and other services to the community.
IQAC of PSN College of Engineering and Technology meets regularly once in six months and takes up issues related to quality as envisaged by NAAC. The proceedings are documented and it is given online.

- Conformity to the regulatory requirements of UGC, AICTE,Anna University, DGS and Govt. if Tamilnadu.
- Upgradation of teaching facilities for blended learning through ICT tools and classrooms.
- Updation and upgradation of faculty, wherever necessary, through schemes to support knowledge enhancement, academic qualifications, industry visits and interaction, hands – on training, faculty development programmes etc.
- To measure stakeholder satisfaction periodically through student feedback reports, student placements and overall success in semester examinations.
- Monitoring quality management system to ensure earliest corrective action in the event of any non-conformity.
- The management is committed to these quality objectives and also ensures that they are known, understood and implemented by all members of the institute.
- Recommending quality benchmarks/parameters for various administrative and academic activities to achieve the vision of the Institute.
- Facilitating a learner centric environment conducive for quality education
- Coordinating quality-related activities of the Institution, including adoption and dissemination of best practices
- Organization of inter and intra institutional workshops, seminars on quality related themes and promotion of quality circles.
- Collection and analysis of feedback from all stakeholders on quality-related institutional processes
- Organizing Inter and Intra institutional workshops and seminars on quality related themes
- Documenting the quality enhancement programmes/activities of the College
- Dissemination of information on various quality parameters to all stakeholders
- Development and maintenance of institutional database for the purpose of maintaining /enhancing the institutional quality.
- Conducting periodical of Academic and Administrative Audit and its follow-up.
- Preparation and submission of the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) as per guidelines and parameters of NAAC.
IQAC Composition 2022-23:– Click Here
IQAC Composition 2019-20:– Click Here
Academic Calendar:– 2023-24 Click Here
Academic Calendar:– 2022-23 Click Here
Academic Calendar:– 2020-21 Click Here
Academic Calendar:– 2019-20 Click Here
Academic Calendar:– 2018-19 Click Here
Academic Calendar:– 2017-18 Click Here
Academic Calendar:– 2016-17 Click Here
- 24th meeting and action taken report –> Click Here
23nd meeting and action taken report –> Click Here
22nd meeting and action taken report –> Click Here
21st meeting and action taken report –> Click Here
20th meeting and action taken report –> Click Here
19th meeting and action taken report –> Click Here
18th IQAC Meeting Minutes –> Click Here
17th IQAC Meeting Minutes –> Click Here
16th IQAC Meeting Minutes –> Click Here
15th IQAC Meeting Minutes –> Click Here
14th IQAC Meeting Minutes –> Click Here
13th IQAC Meeting Minutes –> Click Here
12th IQAC Meeting Minutes –> Click Here
11th IQAC Meeting Minutes –> Click Here