Computer Science & Engineering
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Vision and Mission
To emerge as a preeminence program to produce quality Computer Science and Engineering graduates.
- To enhance professional and entrepreneurial skills through industry institute
interaction to enable them in getting better placement. - To promote research and continuing education.
- To train the students according to their discipline to meet dynamic needs of the
Courses Offered
B.E - Computer Science and Engineering
Establishment Year : 2001
Sanctioned Intake : 90
Period of Study : 4 Years
M.E - Computer Science and Engineering
Establishment Year: 2008
Sanctioned Intake: 18
Period of Study: 2 Years
Establishment Year: 2007
Sanctioned Intake : 09
Period of Study: 2 Years
HoD's Desk

Dr. M. Vargheese, M.Tech., Ph.D.,
Head of the Department
Dr. M. Vargheese received his B.E degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tamilnadu, India. He received his M. Tech in Computer Science and Engineering from Dr. MGR University, Chennai, India. And also received his Doctorate in Computer Science and Engineering from St. Peter’s university, Chennai, India. He is currently working as Professor in PSN College of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous), India. He has 20+ years of experience in both industry and teaching. His main area of interests are lies Mobile adhoc networks, Mobile communications and also Network security. He is a life member of ISTE
- Qualified and Experienced team of faculty members with wider experience in areas of System Software, DBMS, IoT, Artificial Intelligence, Image processing, Mobile and Computer Networks.
- Department of CSE has good interactions and MOUs with leading technology domain Training & Development Industries.
- Our One of the faculty member Dr.Sudhakar Sengan Worlds Top Most Influential Scientists-2023 by Sanford University
- Industry oriented learning through Technology Groups
- Excellent infrastructure & computing facilities
- Well defined student counseling and mentoring process
- The strength of the CSE Department is its Alumni, which adds a good amount of perception rating to the department by being most illustrious.
- Recognized as Research Centre by Anna University for Pursuing Ph.D degree in Computer Science and Engineering
- Highly Qualified & Research oriented Faculty members with Doctoral degree
- Strong focus on placement preparation & continuous assessment
- Student’s participation in National level Hackathons
- Online Teaching Assistance through Video Lectures
- Excellent environment for all round development of students under student chapters & clubs
- Computer Science and Engineering Department has been recognized as Centre of Excellence by Intel Intelligent Systems for offering Industrial training in the field of IoT.