
Bio Medical

Bio Medical

Bio medical engineering merges biology and technology, improving healthcare through cutting-edge solutions.

Artificial Intelligence and Data Science

Artificial Intelligence and Data Science converge to revolutionize industries and drive unprecedented insights from vast datasets.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: The transformative fusion of algorithms and data, shaping the future of technology and society.
aeronautical Engineering

Aeronautical Engineering

Few disciplines have inspired humanity as much as aerospace engineering. Many of the technological advances that are now parts of our daily lives
civil Engineering

Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering is a professional engineering discipline that deals with the design, construction, and maintenance of the physical and natural built.
marine engineering

Marine Engineering

The institute offers four year degree course in Marine Engineering from the academic session 2003. Sailors and their legendary voyages have long fascinated.
Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Electrical &

The department of EEE was established in the year 2004-2005, with an intense desire to serve the humanity, to train the students to become competitive..
Electronics & Communication Engineering

Electronics & Communication Engineering

The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering was started with an objective to impart high quality education in the field of Electronics.
Mechanical & Automation engineering

Mechanical &

The department was established in 2009.The department has excellent lab facilities with state of the art of equipment and it has highly qualified,..
Computer Science Engineering

Computer Science & Engineering

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) was established since inception from the year 2001 with the aim of providing inclusive technology
mechanical engineering


The Department of Mechanical Engineering was established in the year 2009. Later on PG course M.E Cryogenic Engineering established during the 2011..
Management Studies


The Department of Management Studies was started in the year 2006 with the intake of 60 Students and affiliated by Anna University, Chennai.
science and humanities

Science and Humanities

The Department of Science and Humanities was established in 2001 with the student strength of 180. Besides teaching and learning, it is actively,,
physical education

Physical Education

The Department of Physical Education and Sports is passionate in providing a pleasant learning environment that promotes and develops the body, mind,..