Department Library
The Mechanical and Automation Engineering Department Library was started from the inception of the Department. It has a total of 276 books in 15 different areas like Design, Engineering Drawing, Management, Production, Software manual, Thermal etc. Apart from this, UG project reports of Mechanical and Automation Department are kept for reference.
Apart from this the library is equipped with
- Audio Visual resources like CDs, DVDs etc., The library resources cover wide variety of mechanical engineering streams.
- NPTEL Video and Web Courses, MIT course materials, eBooks and AICTE Open Source Software are available, which enable the students to virtually attend lectures of experts.
- Online Public Access catalogue (OPAC) system provides comprehensive search features to access all the resources in the Main Library.
- Students and Faculty members can refer/borrow books from the Department Library also, in addition to their account in the Main Library.
- The department Library thus offers a guaranteed knowledge for academic achievement of the students and encourages a positive impact on studies.