Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
Vision and Mission
To create innovative electronics and communication engineering graduates with technical proficiency, social concern and commitment in pursuit of excellence.
- Achieving technical proficiency by research oriented teaching-learning process using modern teaching aids and inculcate programming skills by consistent training in centre of excellence.
- Imparting social and ethical values through social value education and inculcating the importance of ethics in profession.
- Providing entrepreneurial skills and leadership qualities for the sustainable development of the nation.
Courses Offered
B.E (Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Establishment Year : 2004
Sanctioned Intake : 60
Period of Study : 4 Years
M.E (Communication System)
Establishment Year: 2009
Sanctioned Intake: 18
Period of Study: 2 Years
M.E (Avionics)
Establishment Year : 2004
Sanctioned Intake : 60
Period of Study : 4 Years
M.E (Applied Electronics)
Establishment Year: 2009
Sanctioned Intake: 18
Period of Study: 2 Years
HoD's Desk

Dr. T. Rajesh, M.E, Ph.D
Head of the Department
Dr. T. Rajesh received his B.E Degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Manonmaniam Sundaranar University in 2003.He received his M.E Degree in Applied Electronics from Anna University in 2006 and Ph.D Degree from Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering of Anna University in 2019.He is currently working as professor in PSN College of Engineering and Technology, (Autonomous) Tirunelveli. He has 18+ years of teaching and research experiences. His research interests are Medical Image Processing, Wireless Communication, VLSI Design, Embedded Systems, etc.,
- ECE department has several laboratories, including a computer lab for academic needs of undergraduate, postgraduate, and research & development students.
- There are large, comfortable classrooms, to the laid down specifications, in the main building, meant for the students of 2nd, 3rd and 4th years.
- The classrooms for the 1st year students are located in another separate building. These class rooms have been provided with all the accessories require.
- All our class rooms are facilitated with smart boards with internet.
- Department is equipped with Centre of excellence in BOSCH Laboratory.
- Our Students are actively participating in Smart India Hackathons and other inter college technical events.
- Department is equipped with Srinivasa Ramanujam project and Research Lab.
- Department contributes to the implementation of Spoken Tutorial Project in association with the Spoken Tutorial IIT Bombay.